Friday, December 6, 2013

What it's all about


According to the physicists, prior to the big bang, there was one super energetic and compressed and what have you super atom.   It was one atom and the void.  The big bang brought multiplicity into the world.    And there was an attractiveness about the big bang.   Parts of what had formerly been one atom found that they wanted to merge with other parts with which it had once been part of a great whole. Each parts wanted to return to being what it was: part of a great wonderful whole.  And thus was born the "and".  And this is why the "and" is primordial.  The "and" seeks to return to the unity that was at the beginning of time.

And if we go back to the idea of one great super atom and the void, we can see that from which the "or" came.  In every tiny bit of what was once this great super atom resides the "or".  The "or" wants to return to the comfort of the void out of which this great super atom came.  It wants to become a part of the void as it once was; to return to the safety and comfort of the void. And in thus trying to draw away from, and to separate from all things, the "or" comes.

So the "and" wants to be part of the great super atom which it once was, and the "or" wants to return to its prior state of being engulfed in nothingness.

But the "and", this wanting to merge with nothingness, seems to underlie the "or", which seems to be a desire to draw away from others in order to merge with nothingness.

Thus. we might say that the "and" became primoridal at the moment of the big bang, both in actualizing the desire to return to itself and merge with other parts of what was once itself, and to merge with nothingness.

The "and" did not really become "active" until the big bang.  But we also see the power, of the "or" and how the "or" remained operative even after the big bang, as pieces wanted to draw away from other pieces of which they had been part and...

In sum, as long as there is movement, the "and" is primoridial, as you are either trying to merge with something, or to merge with nothing.

But in a world without movement, where there is no attempt to merge, the "or" is quite powerful, and it reinvents itself after the big bang, by trying to return the universe to its former state, one atom and nothing.

And we might say, that the birth of a person, or of any being, is a re-enactment of this process. The womb is the void, and the baby emerges from the void to merge with other beings.  But part of it craves being left alone, returning to the void, and it does so often, thousands of times every day......



So it is all about memories

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