Saturday, November 9, 2013

If God is within us

Relating to my post "Deities". If God is a divided self, the self within us is its microcosm.  The "and" want it to be completely self contained, completely calm and at rest.  The "or" wants to escape from the self, to be more than the self, to be other than the self.  The "and" feels it is authentic, and says that being true to the self is being authentic.  And this is true.  But we also always want what we don't have.  We want to be better than we are.  We want to see things from different perspectives, even if it is only to destroy them.  And this urge to escape boundaries, this bit of the "or" that is within us, is also authentic.

In point of fact, the "or" is/" a precondition for human relations, a precondition for the "and" in this sense.  For it is necessary to escape the self, to get outside the self, in order to bond with another.  Thus, the "or" makes possible the "and", and we see a repetition of the "and"/"or" cycle, or shall we say the "or"/"and" cycle.  So we can call this andorian philosophy, or orandian philosophy.

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